Rules & Regulations
The Mid Atlantic Percussion Society is a circuit partner of Winter Guard International. All rules and regulations, unless otherwise noted here, are those used and implemented by Winter Guard International.
All registration will be through Competition Suite. Units must register under the Mid Atlantic Percussion Society in Competition Suite.
All units (except festival class) will receive a digital version of the WGI manual with their registration/membership fee.
Classes Offered For 2025

Scholastic Middle School
Scholastic Marching- Regional A, A, Open, World
Scholastic Standstill Marching Percussion- Regional A, A, Open, World
Scholastic Concert-Regional A, A, Open, World
Scholastic Winds- A, Open, World
Independent Marching- A, Open, World
Independent Concert- A, Open, World
Independent Standstill Marching Percussion- Regional A, A, Open, World

Show Fees
Scholastic Units
Option 1: All access All access to 7 shows plus prelims and finals will be $775.00 (WGI manual included).
Option 2: Single show fee $200.00 (WGI manual included)/
Please note: Scholastic units must attend 3 of 7 regular season MAPS events in order to qualify for the prelims and finals event.​​​​​​
Festival Class
This will only be offered at the 6 regular season events. Total $75.00 per event. This is an opportunity for younger units to perform and get vital educational feedback from adjudicators. Scores and placements will not be given. Units must register with Competition Suite prior to the season.
Independent Units
Option 1: All access gives Independent groups the opportunity to attend 2 of 7 regular season events and participation at prelims and finals. NOTE- A local or non local WGI event can be used as one of these 2 required events. All total access cost $300.00 (WGI manual included)
Option 2: $150.00 per event fee ( this also includes participation at prelims and/or finals as a judged exhibition if show requirements are not achieved. Fee of $150.00 per event for prelims or finals).
Interval And Performance Times
*As Per WGI Rules
Regional A & Festival Class
Minimum Performance Time: None
Maximum Performance:
6 Minutes
Maximum Interval Time:
9 minutes
A Class
Minimum Performance Time:
3 Minutes
Maximum Performance Time:
6 Minutes
Maximum Interval Time:
9 Minutes
Open Class
Minimum Performance Time:
3.5 Minutes
Maximum Performance Time:
7 Minutes
Maximum Interval Time:
10 Minutes
World Class
Minimum Performance Time:
4 Minutes
Maximum Performance Time:
8 Minutes
Maximum Interval Time:
11 Minutes
In the event that you have to pull out of a show where you are already scheduled to compete, you will need to advise MAPS, (not the show sponsor), no less than 14 days prior to the event. If notice is not given in this time frame, a $200 penalty will be assessed. This fee must be received before the unit will be allowed to compete in any further MAPS events.

In the event of inclimate weather, we will contact you through Competition Suite. If you have any remaining questions please call 215-840-0816. Events will only be canceled if travel in and out of the host's area is deemed unsafe. 

You will receive an information packet from each show sponsor at least one week in advance of the show date. This will contain info. on performance times, warm-up areas, a map of the host site, directions to get there, etc. There will be a MAPS approved area for prop storage and warm-up for your group. MAPS, nor the host, will be responsible if your props or other equipment do not fit through standard doors and hallways. All center door bars will be removed where necessary. All reasonable preparations will be made to best accommodate your group's size and spatial requirements.

Your ensemble will receive 10 staff passes when we have received your registration along with your fees for the season. They will be issued upon check-in at your first event. These 10 passes are to be used by your staff members and support personnel for the entire season. The 10 people that you assign these passes to will be permitted free access to the event at the spectator entrance and performer entrance.

 Any support personnel beyond these 10 may be required to purchase a regular ticket (this may vary sponsor to sponsor).
The floor of our contest sponsor will be viewed during and after each performance to ensure that no damage has occurred. In the event of damage occurring to the floor by result of your group's actions, MAPS and the sponsor intend to explain fully how, when and why it happened. We do this to protect our sponsor and to ensure that blame is not placed falsely on another ensemble. We certainly hope this will not happen, but if it does, the sponsor will be put into contact with the director of the ensemble and will advise what restitution is necessary to correct or repair the damage. To avoid the above, all equipment will be reviewed upon entering the contest floor to be sure it is padded and/or taped to prevent damage to the floor.

It is expected that all staffs, parents and performers from a given group will behave in an appropriate manner at the MAPS events. In the event that there is an issue regarding unsportsmanlike, or inappropriate behavior, a MAPS representative and the show sponsor will be advised and will decide the appropriate action to be taken. We strive to provide a professional educational environment for our performers and intend to see that this intent is upheld to the fullest.