What Class Are We?
At MAPS we align ourselves with WGI whenever possible. Our method of judging is the WGI adjudication system, and two divisions are also the same as WGI. We strive to offer relative scores to that which your ensemble could achieve on a national WGI scale. While contest dynamics can affect overall scores greatly, the ranges and box criteria for the MAPS classes that are also offered in WGI are identical. Any movement between classes during the season will be done in accordance with WGI rules.
In addition, we do have several classes that are not offered by WGI. These are intended to serve and promote all of the varying levels of ensembles in our particular region.
If you need further assistance please reach out to us and we will be glad to help! tom@mapsdrumlines.org
Independent: Usually community based, self-funded and a privately run organization.
Scholastic: Ensembles are a program sponsored by a school.
Beginner/Novice skill level
Intended for new performers and staff
Judges commentary only, no scores or placements
Standstill or marching, concert or marching instrumentation
Offered at regular season events only, not prelims or finals
Marching Classes
A CLASS = Basic Skills
OPEN CLASS = Intermediate Skills
WORLD CLASS = Advanced Skills
Same As WGI
Winds Classes
A CLASS = Basic Skills
OPEN CLASS = Intermediate Skills
WORLD CLASS = Advanced Skills
Same As WGI
Middle School
Novice Skills
Marching and concert instrumentation
Members must be of middle school/junior high age
Uses revised Regional A Class sheets. Criteria and numerical reward for achievement is adjusted to support younger, less experienced performers offering novice skills.
Concert Classes
A CLASS = Basic Skills
OPEN CLASS = Intermediate Skills
WORLD CLASS = Advanced Skills
View Sheets​
Regional A
Beginning Skills
Marching instrumentation
A visual program is required and rewarded
Regional A sheets have been developed and revised. Criteria and numerical reward for achievement is adjusted to support less experienced staff and performers offering beginner skills.
Standstill Marching Classes
A CLASS = Basic Skills
OPEN CLASS = Intermediate Skills
WORLD CLASS = Advanced Skills